An ongoing research of the intersection between the city and the body


It started with photographing the entrances to houses in HaTikva neighborhood where I live, continued to drawings and etchings connecting my daily meditation practice with the public sphere and branched out to performances and video. This project is inspired by my immediate environment and my Zen Buddhist inquiry practice echoing the Koan - “Tell me who you are without your head”

KIDA - Tell me who you are without your head.

KIDA, video 4:50 min

KIDA - Performance for Stairs and Wonder.
Stairs Quarter Exhibition in Haifa. Curated by Zeela Kotler Hadari

KIDA - Double Gesture
Performance in Nahum Tevet’s exhibition at Atalier Shemi “For One Room (Twice)”. Curated by Smadar Schindler

Documenting thresholds and entrances in HaTikva Neighbourhood, Tel Aviv. Ongoing